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Uso de euclidean space em inglês
Our approach is based on embedding ontological terms in a high-dimensional Euclideanspace.
We study the properties of complex networks embedded in a Euclideanspace of communicability distances.
Both Euclidean and polar- Euclideanspace are particular manifestations of it, their mutual relationship being one of metamorphosis in the Goethean sense.
By starting in the manner described above, with the plane as the unit, and conceiving the point from it, we constitute polar- Euclideanspace.
I only used to spend time in anything remotely like this"-hemotioned at the surrounding, more-or-less-Euclideanspace-"forcertain special kinds of physics problems.
By positing the point as the unit from which to start, and deriving our conception of the plane from the point, we constitute Euclideanspace.